Senin, 25 Februari 2008
CPNS - Kisi-kisi soal ujian CPNS
Afwan baru sempat posting lagi. Lagi sibuk ngurusin anak istri he.he.. gak dhing.
Biar Mas Bejo yang posting tentang scholarship and continuing education. Aku tak posting what i know mawon nggih?
On this occassion,saya mo sharing tentang "Kisi-kisi soal CPNS". Ini kisi-kisi tahun 2005 kemaren. Semoga masih berguna. Kisi-kisi ini sangat berguna saat saya struggling tahun 2006. Semua soal (waktu itu) mengacu pada kisi-kisi ini.
Yah, sekedar share aja, buat sohib2 sekalian. Tapi jangan berharap gaji yang tinggi deh bila jadi perawat PNS. Coz anggaran pemerintahnya mepet bro he.he.. Anyhow, alhamduli4JJ1, cukup untuk hidup di kota kecil macam Sukoharjo ni. Kalo mau earn gaji yang lebih ya di RS swasta internasional ato ke perusahaan tambang, ato go abroad. Insya 4JJ1, cepet BEP (break even point) deh biaya kuliahnya :). Kalo jadi PNS mah cuma dapat "kepastian hukum" aja hwe.he.he..
Ok, kurasa tak perlu berpanjang dan berlebar sodara-sodara. Berikut inilah kisi-kisinya:
1. Ideologi
a. Pancasila
b. UUD 1945
2. Politik
a. Sistem administrasi negara Republik Indonesia (Sanri)
b. Sistem pemerintahan pusat dan daerah
3. Ekonomi
a. Sistem perekonomian nasional
b. Kebijakan fiskal dan moneter
c. Perdagangan bebas
4. Sosial Budaya
a. Sejarah kebangsaan
b. Masyarakat madani
5. Hankam
a. Wawasan nusantara
b. Sistem pertahanan dan keamanan
6. Hukum
a. Norma hukum
b. Azas hukum
c. Supremasi hukum
1. Kemampuan verbal
a. Padanan kata/sinonim
b. Lawan kata/antonim
c. Analogi
d. Pemahaman wacana
2. Kemampuan kuantitatif
a. Deret angka
b. Aritmatika
c. Geometrika
3. Kemampuan penalaran
a. Penalaran logis
b. Penalaran analitis
Demikian, semoga bermanfaat. Insya 4JJ1 klo ada info baru tak tulisnya..
Kamis, 21 Februari 2008
Higher Education Scholarship Programs - ICDF Taiwan
Higher Education plays an important role for the economic development in every country, which is one of the core work in the TaiwanICDF. 3 undergradute, 15 graduate and 3 Ph.D. graduate programs have been developed in the below field with 13 renowned local university.
Scholarship scope
(Maximum4-year for Undergraduate, 2-year for Graduate and 3-year for Post-Graduate)
The scholarship is itemized as follows:
1. Airfare: The TaiwanICDF shall provide economy class tickets for the most-direct flights to and from
2. Housing: All students must reside in the graduate student dormitories.
3. Tuition fee: The TaiwanICDF will cover the tuition fee as required by the student’s university.
4. Credit fees: Credit fees vary with the number of credits registered. Credit fees will also be covered as required by the student’s university.
5. Insurance: While in
6. Book costs: Purchasing textbooks as required by your instructors shall be subject to the approval of the director of your institute.
7. Allowance:
a. Undergraduate’s Program: Each student shall receive NT$12,000 per month (NT$144,000 per year) as allowance for food and miscellaneous living expenses. The sum will be deposited monthly into the student’s local bank account.(limited to students of Taiwan-Central American Economic Development Fund)
b. Master’s Program: Each student shall receive NT$15,000 per month (NT$180,000 per year) as allowance for food and miscellaneous living expenses. The sum will be deposited monthly into the student’s local bank account.
c. Ph.D. Program: Each student shall receive NT$17,000 per month (NT$204,000 per year) as allowance for food and miscellaneous living expenses. The sum will be deposited monthly into the student’s local bank account.
*Merit awards: Merit awards will be given for outstanding performance.
**TaiwanICDF Scholarship Conditions
Scholarhsip holders must:
1. Comply with the Recruitment Procedures and devote full time to the program.
2. Not seek employment or engage in political activities.
3. Be responsible for any expense and arrangement to have families/friends coming to
4. Return to their home countries soon after completion of the program.
5. Bear any expenses or risks incurred as a result of any change initiated by them, in the travel schedule arranged by the TaiwanICDF.
6. Fully agree that the TaiwanICDF has the right to terminate the scholarship if their student status is rescinded by host institutes due to their responsibilities that they are (1) found guilty of serious misconduct in Taiwan; (2) found to engage in political activities or any form of employment for profit or gain; (3) found to have unsatisfactory performance or language deficiency during the Program ;
7. Know their accommodation will be arranged and designated by host institutes.
8. Certify the information contained in physical examination form is genuine and will not request the reimbursement for hospitalization in cases of chronic illness in
9.Agree that during their study at host institute, all matters related to the program will be settled in accordance with the school rules and regulations, and that host institute’s decision will be final and will be implemented accordingly.
10. Agree to grant the Journal of SCI, EI, A&HCI, SSCI, TSSCI or Journal of International Cooperation(JIC) permission to publish their abridged versions of theses within twenty pages.
11. Agree to embrace Taiwanese culture and learn basic Mandarin during their stay in
12. Agree not to hold Taiwan Scholarship at the same time.
13. Agree to repay airfare, and living allowances should they decide to drop out from the scholarship without the prior consent of the TaiwanICDF and providing proof of exceptional circumstances, and accept the TaiwanICDF’s decision in this matter will be final.
**Application Procedure:
The application has to pass through Taiwan Embassies in allied countries. Taiwan Embassies screen qualification of applicants first, and send qualified applicants to below universities participating inTaiwan International Cooperation Alliance (TICA), in consultation with TaiwanICDF.
Please also note two application forms need to be filled in. One for the applied program and the other for TaiwanICDF scholarship. TaiwanICDF scholarship apllication form can only be got at Taiwan Embassy.
Master Program in Clinical Medicine
Program of International Trade and Management (Undergraduate)
International Graduate Program in Agricultural Policy Development and Management
International Nursing Master of Science Program
International Graduate Program of Civil Engineering and Management
International Master Program in Industrial Engineering and Management
International Master of Electric Power Engineering (IMEPE)
Undergraduate Program on Animal and Plant Production for Foreign Agriculturists
International Undergraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering
Undergraduate English Program in Department of Business Administration
International Environment Sustainable Development Program
International Master Program in Plastic Injection and Precision Mold
International Master Program in Information Systems and Applications
International Workforce Education and Development , IWED - Master Degree Program
IMBA in Technology Management - Master Degree Program
Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy Program in International Health
International Graduate Program in Aquatic Sciences and Marine Resources
International Master Program in
M.S. and Ph.D. Programs for Foreign Agriculturists
Rabu, 13 Februari 2008
Info dari Ns. Siti Khamidah
Senin, 04 Februari 2008
Dalam kenangan
